Marketing Campaigns
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Location: Eugene, OR

SEO – Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of building online relevance, rankings and internet traffic through a variety of different web site components both on and off site. IDO (Eugene, OR) creates web sites and web pages that are highly compatible with the search engine spiders. IDO uses proprietary content evaluation tools in developing web sites, and employs a logical approach to SEO when building web sites and their corresponding linking structure.
Online Reputation Management
The basis of all sales and marketing is reputation. There is nothing more important than the trust consumers have for your brand. On the Internet, brand reputation management and brand reputation defense are as important as traffic building and organic keyword rankings. If negative post is allowed to surface under a brand name, your internet marketing efforts will be greatly compromised. Online Reputation management is one of the most important and emerging considerations for any business.
Pay-Per-Click Management
According to many research organizations, seven billion dollars will be spent on Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising management in 2010. Approximately 73% of consumers locate web sites with the aid of a search engine. Search Engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing offer sponsored advertising in the form of PPC advertising. When a user enters a targeted keyword phrase into a search, the results page displays sponsored ads targeting the same keyword. When a sponsored ad is clicked on, the user is directed to a predetermined landing page of the web site.
Social Media Marketing
Social media is quickly becoming and one of the most visible and viable marketing forces on the Internet today. Sites like MySpace, Facebook, and Linkedin collectively represent over half a billion people capable of driving all of the business that any modern online company could handle. IDO of Eugene builds truly progressive online marketing campaigns incorporating social media marketing into their online arsenal.

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