IDO Web System
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IDO Web System FAQ's - Read about all the frequently asked questions regarding IDO's Web Systems with Built in Marketing Engines! 

What is the difference between your Web System and other CMS products out on the market?
Each Web System comes with a Web Marketing Engine. Our Web Systems have generated over a million hits for systems each month. The traffic depends on client participation and utilizing the internal web tools that we provide at no additional cost. It's all part of the system.
There are many Web Systems offered in Marketing, what sets yours apart?
Each Web System comes with a Web Marketing Engines. In a nutshell, our Web Systems have generated over a million hit systems each month. The traffic depends on client participation and utilizing the internal web tools that we provide at no additional cost. It's a part of the system.
What type of customization can you do?
We will answer your question with a question of our own. What do you want your web system to do? We want to know what you need in your terms and we'll build it for you. Do you need to have your office and web site talk to each other? Do you need a special reporting system? Scheduler? AJAX Components? Specialized Retail Carts? Featured Properties, Apps that work with Google, Bing, etc? What do you require to make your online business the best of the best?
I am a busy working owner. I do not have time to sit at the computer all day to add content and graphics to my system, nor do I have the payroll funds for my staff to do it...knowing that you are not an expert in my business....can you do the content if we send you info?
YES! Absolutely, we know that the majority of our clients would love to participate, but don't have the time or resources to do it. So, they simply fax us or email us content and graphics to put into their Web Systems. Our staff consists of professional bloggers, content writers and is great at research and development. What's more, all the information is posted on your beta system, so you or your staff can breeze through the changes to make edits before it's published to your web system.  Our Maintenance Agreements cover the cost to maintain this aspect of your Web system.
What is your "Maintenance Agreement"?
Our Maintenance Agreements have scheduled annual hours that we can use to support you. They allow you to just pick up the phone or shoot an e-mail requesting work or application development to be added to your web system. Instead of nickel and diming for every little minor change, we simply lump everything together and just charge one flat rate each month. That flat rate is agreed upon at signing up for our Web System and is set accordingly to your budget.
What is the cost of your Web Systems? Do you finanace your web systems?
The cost is going to depend on how many hours we will need to integrate your specification sheet. We normally cap under $5000 to get started, even though less comparable, template web systems on the market start at $20,000. This is why speaking to you directly is so important with the cost factor. We want to make sure there are enough hours on the books to complete your specification sheet and to support you. We are not in the business of over estimating hours and charging you extra for unused hours.
In addition, we do "SELF" financed bulk hours to build and maintain your Web System. This is not a GE Money, or credit card company approval process. We do like to have the initial payment to be paid off in 6 months and the maintenance to start when the initial hours are used up. We have several options. One limitation though, is that we do not accept credit or debit cards for payments.
Do you have a question that is not posted here? Contact us today and we'll be happy to answer it for you!


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